About KAT6A/KAT6B Patient Registry

What is a Patient Registry?

The KAT6A/KAT6B Patient Registry is a secure database that provides a way to collect information from patients with KAT6A and KAT6B syndromes. Information about the patient’s experience can be entered into the database by completing online surveys that can be filled out at the patient’s own pace and discretion. These surveys are intended to gather information about various aspects of the KAT6A and KAT6B syndromes including diagnosis, diet, medication, development milestones, behavior and other clinical symptoms. Observations that families and patients make can immensely help scientists and health care providers better understand KAT6A and KAT6B ailments, prioritize research areas and improve treatment strategies.

Remember: the information that is entered will remain private and will not be linked to the patient’s name or any other identifiers, You will have the ability to view what you have entered and update the patient’s information regularly.


Why is the registry so important? Patient registries have been shown to help speed the development of better treatments and ultimately improve patient outcomes. The KAT6A/KAT6B Patient Registry will: